Online retailer evomag announces €500,000 investment in 2025

Business Forum
evomag maintains the pace of investment and announces investments of €500,000 this year as part of its development strategy. The funds will be directed towards expanding its presence on international marketplaces, automating logistical processes, developing existing services and introducing a new service targeting mobile phone repairs.

"2025 is the year of efficiency for evomag. We focus on optimizing logistics operations by automating warehouse processes and increasing storage capacity. These measures will enable us to significantly improve the speed and reliability of deliveries, thereby strengthening the trust of our customers. At the same time, our international expansion through marketplaces offers us opportunities for growth in new markets", says Mihai Pătrașcu, CEO of evomag.

Development of the corporate segment and services

This year, evomag will put particular emphasis on the development of the corporate segment, strengthening the department dedicated to sales to companies and public institutions. In addition, the company will continue to develop the area of value-added services, such as air conditioning installation, household appliances, TVs, computer assembly and maintenance, and GSM services, including cell phone repairs.

"By expanding our range of services and strengthening our relationships with corporate partners, we aim to offer comprehensive and customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each customer. This approach reflects our commitment to add value and build sustainable partnerships," added Mihai Pătrașcu.

Financing solutions for accelerated growth

A strategic objective for 2025 is to attract financial partners to support expansion plans and help reach the €100 million turnover in the coming years.

"Retail is an industry that requires consistent cash flow to support investments in logistics, technology and services. Attracting financial partners is an essential step to turn evomag into a reference player in the regional eCommerce market", emphasizes evomag CEO.

Direct and transparent communication

Also this year, the company reaffirms its commitment to its customers with a more direct and transparent communication, maintaining its focus on real offers and competitive prices. The new brand identity, launched on the market at the end of last year, reinforces evomag's openness to a genuine relationship with its customers, offering them a simple, no-frills shopping experience.

This year, evomag is strengthening its positioning in line with the company's values of transparency, adaptability and customer focus, an initiative that aims to differentiate the brand in an increasingly competitive market and reaffirm its commitment to quality and innovation.

20% growth by 2025

For evomag, 2024 meant an increase of around 20% in turnover compared to 2023, to around €50 million, underpinned by high demand for products in the core categories in which the company is established. In addition, services offered by the company, such as air conditioning installation, computer assembly and cell phone repairs, doubled in volume and value.

For 2025, evomag forecasts a 20% increase in business, an acceleration in the growth of online retail, with an overall market advance of around 10-15%, while offline retail will see more modest growth.

eCommerce market grows slow but steady

eCommerce market grows slow but steady

This aligns with the slow growth level recorded by the MerchantPro Compass indicator in the number of transactions also in 2023 compared to the previous year (+5.5%).