PPC Renewables Romania inaugurates new control room for productions capacities

PPC Renewables Romania inaugurates new control room for productions capacities

Business Forum29 January, 2025 at 1:49 PM

PPC Renewables Romania, part of the PPC Group, has inaugurated a new control room, capable of optimizing the production of the company's increased portfolio of wind and photovoltaic parks, as well as carrying out in real time the dispatcher orders received from the electricity system operator.

"The installed capacity of PPC Renewables Romania's photovoltaic and wind farms is increasing, so we have opened a new command centre, with an increased data capacity, which can ensure the efficient management of electricity production, considering the relatively large distances at which the plants are located. We thus contribute to the development of a sustainable energy sector in Romania, supporting economic competitiveness", said Adrian Dugulan, General Manager of PPC Renewables Romania.

"Today is a special day for the PPC Group. The new, state-of-the-art control room we are inaugurating in Romania is a critical milestone for managing the largest renewable energy portfolio in Southeast Europe. It reflects our commitment to modern technological infrastructure and is a key driver of a major transformation programme for RES generation, based on the three key pillars of digitalisation, decarbonisation and decentralised generation", noted Angelos Kasimis, Chief RES Operations Officer of PPC Renewables.

The new control room is adapted to handle a larger volume of installations in efficient conditions. The installed capacity of the green energy production units operated by PPC Renewables Romania doubled compared to the time of taking over Enel's operations in Romania, reaching 1.3 GW.  Thus, the company has become the largest renewable energy producer in Romania and continues the plan to reach a level of 2 GW by the end of 2026.

The capabilities of the control room were audited and PPC Renewables Romania's dispatchers were authorized by the national electricity system operator. Thus, the company's production units will be able to quickly respond to the orders received from the territorial or central energy dispatchers, fulfilling the obligations established by the Network Code.                                                    

PPC Group is expanding its presence in Southeast Europe

The PPC Group is moving forward dynamically with the development of new RES projects, as new wind and photovoltaic projects are constantly being added to the company's existing projects, which have already reached an installed capacity of approximately 5.5 GW. Of these, 1.3 GW are located in Romania.

According to its three-year strategic plan, by 2027, the PPC Group will develop an additional 6.3 GW of RES in Greece and the wider region of Southeast Europe, with the aim of increasing its installed RES capacity to 11.8 GW by 2027. Today, more than 60% of the RES to be added are already under construction or ready for construction.

The PPC Group's strategic plan includes entering new markets such as Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia, namely neighbouring countries with existing interconnections. Italy and Croatia, in particular, are markets of major importance due to their interconnection capacity and their significant potential in the renewable energy sector. The two new photovoltaic parks recently added in Italy are part of this plan.

The main development arm of PPC Group's RES portfolio is the wholly owned subsidiary PPC Renewables. PPC Renewables invests in the power of nature through renewable energy generation and energy storage. In addition to its large-scale photovoltaic and wind projects, the company is innovating in the Southeast European market through projects covering the full range of renewable energy sources (wind, solar, water, geothermal and biomass).

PPC Group, PPC Renewables Romania, control room, production facilities,