Rețele Electrice Romania to reach 2 million smart meters in Romania

Business Forum17 March, 2025 at 4:06 PM

Rețele Electrice Romania, part of PPC group of companies, will reach 2 million installed smart meters by the end of 2025 in a bid to adapt the infrastructure for consumers and to boost operational efficiency.

The company has been installing smart meters across the Banat, Dobrogea and Muntenia regions, adhering to the schedule set out by the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) since 2015.

Mihai Pește, general manager of Rețele Electrice România, said: "Smart meters are the basis of a digitised and resilient distribution network. They improve the interface with customers and allow the development of new market services, such as flexibility and aggregation of energy transit. They are also essential for the integration of decentralised generation and energy storage. Remote readings, switching suppliers and reconnecting without physical intervention reduce the carbon footprint, supporting sustainable energy consumption."

The company's smart meter coverage is set to reach 60% by the end of 2025 for customers in Bucharest, Ilfov and Giurgiu counties. Coverage will also exceed 50% in Banat and 60% in Dobrogea. In 2024, the average monthly number of remote readings was around 1.5 million, contributing to a reduction in the distribution operator's carbon footprint.

Rețele Electrice România operates networks spanning approximately 134,000 km across Muntenia Sud (including Bucharest), Banat and Dobrogea.

energy, smart meters, Retele Electrice Romania, ANRE, electricity,