EVERGENT Investments proposes a public purchase offer representing 7% of company's shares

Business Forum26 September, 2024 at 8:52 AM

EVERGENT Investment's Board of Directors, an investment company listed under the ticker EVER, has convened the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Meetings of Shareholders for October 28/29, 2024. The most important items on the agenda submitted to the shareholders' vote are: approval of a public purchase offer for 63,632,000 EVER shares (7% of the share capital) conducted through a public exchange offer. The purpose of the offer is to reduce the share capital by cancelling shares; approval of the election of the members of EVERGENT Investments' Board of Directors for a 4-year mandate, as well as the directors' remuneration policy.

The company proposes the approval of a public purchase offer to its shareholders, for a maximum number of 63,632,000 shares representing 7% of the company's share capital, at the time of the offer's launch. In exchange for EVER shares, shareholders will be offered shares in AEROSTAR (ARS ticker), listed and owned by EVERGENT Investments, for a maximum of 57,268,800 EVER shares, and cash for a maximum of 6,363,200 EVER shares.   

The offer has the potential to enhance returns for shareholders, to sustain the recognition of the value of managed assets through the market price of the shares and to improve the liquidity of EVER shares.

The EVERGENT Investments shareholders who decide to subscribe within the offer will benefit from increased liquidity, giving them  the opportunity to capitalize on their shares and adjust their positions within the portfolio according to their investment objectives, regardless of whether they opt for receiving shares or cash in exchange. The shareholders who choose not to participate in the offer will benefit from a proportional increase in their holding in the company's share capital, following the reduction in the number of outstanding shares. This could lead to long-term increases in the return on their holdings, depending on the positive evolution of the share quotation and earnings per share (EPS).

The company will also have a tax advantage, which will contribute to maximizing the shareholder gains.

Thus, the company continues to achieve its objectives of creating value and strengthening its financial position for the benefit of shareholders and the wider community.

„Through the public purchase offer, we continue to return value to our shareholders. We anticipate that the initiative will contribute to the increase of the net result - the company's performance indicator, which could improve both the net asset value per share and the company's capacity to distribute larger dividends, both to the direct benefit of the shareholders. By increasing the financial results, the company's attractiveness in the market will be enhanced. The transaction will have a reduced impact on liquidities and will allow us to continue the investment programs according to our strategy. We have a sustainable investment strategy, we are prepared to capitalize on the capital market opportunities, and we are confident that we will continue to develop the company for the benefit of all EVERGENT Investments stakeholders,” stated Claudiu Doroș, President and CEO of EVERGENT Investments.

 EVERGENT Investments, with over 30 years of experience in the Romanian capital market, is a trailblazer, contributing to the development of the community  it is part of. By implementing a well articulated and responsible strategy, EVERGENT Investments efficiently capitalizes on investment opportunities, both in the capital market and through private equity projects in agribusiness, real estate and technology. Through its predictible dividend policy and buyback programs, the company offers its shareholders both short term profits and long term perspectives for increasing the value of their assets. Over the past 15 years, the company has paid over RON 1 billion in dividends and own share buybacks.

public offer, BVB, shares, shareholders, Evergent Investment,