Mastercard drives SME growth with new offers in Business Bonus program

Business Forum
Mastercard extends the Business Bonus program with new smart and convenient offers developed in collaboration with global and local partners to meet the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. The initiative supports the growth, consolidation, and digitalization of small businesses by providing access to a range of discounted tools and solutions when paying with Mastercard Business cards issued by licensed financial institutions in Romania.

"99.8% of local businesses are represented by small and medium-sized enterprises. I believe that now, more than ever, it is our duty to support this sector, the true engine of our economy. How? By questioning what and how we can improve to meet their needs. Romanian SMEs have the lowest level of digitalization in the EU, and this is the starting point for the Business Bonus program. Through personalized offers created in collaboration with Mastercard partners, we provide efficient, easy-to-implement, and cost-effective solutions designed to boost productivity and business competitiveness in the dynamic global context," said Cosmin Vladimirescu, General Manager Mastercard Romania and Croatia.

From time-saving applications and intelligently planned business trips to online legal and accounting services, the Business Bonus program is designed to support small businesses to enhance performance, streamline operations, and optimize company expenses. Mastercard Business cardholders can access these benefits in two ways: through a promotional code (users generate a code on the Business Bonus platform and apply it on the partner's website) or through an automatically applied discount (the discount is directly applied at checkout when payment is made with a Mastercard Business card on the partner's dedicated website, accessible from the Business Bonus platform).

One program, multiple benefits

The Business Bonus program now features offers developed in collaboration with local partners such as Regnet, Namirial, FGO, Oblio, Ebriza, Nutritional Values (Valori Nutriționale), and the Waste Registry (Registrul Deșeurilor). Thus, Mastercard Business cardholders issued in Romania benefit from a 20% discount on Regnet's Trade Registry services, which facilitate a 100% online registration of operations at the National Trade Register Office (Oficiul Național al Registrului Comerțului), and Regnet Online Accounting, an online accounting platform. With Namirial, entrepreneurs can sign digital documents quickly, easily, and securely, benefiting from a 25% discount on remote qualified remote electronic signature and the USB Token qualified electronic signature, required for electronic signature in relation with public institutions (e.g. in relation with ANAF for e-Factura).

The program also includes offers for billing and business management solutions, which are integrated with accounting software and banking applications. Mastercard Business cardholders benefit from a 25% discount for a 3-year subscription to all FGO packages, as well as a free first year subscription and a 25% discount for the second year on services offered by Oblio.

Business Bonus also offers a range of customized solutions for SMEs in the HoReCa sector: Ebriza offers a modern mobile POS and cloud-based management app with monthly payment, 7/7 free support, and minimal hardware requirements, with a 15% discount for two years on the Ebriza POS Premium Package. Meanwhile, Nutritional Values (Valori Nutriționale) offers a 13% discount for using their app to create digital menus, in compliance with the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) Order 201/2022 regarding the display of nutritional values, additives, allergens, and frozen ingredients in menus.

Finally, Mastercard Business cardholders benefit from a 13% discount on using the Waste Registry (Registrul Deșeurilor) app, as waste management records are mandatory for all companies operating at their headquarters or a work location under the Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 92/2021.

The Business Bonus program also includes offers developed in partnership with global including on business software, travel, shipping, and freelance contracting, providing convenient solutions for Mastercard Business cardholders.

The list of partners and benefits included in the Business Bonus program will continue to expand in order to address the wide range of everyday needs of Romanian SMEs.

Business Forum  |  6 March, 2025 at 12:10 PM
Business Forum  |  6 March, 2025 at 12:06 PM