Average budget for Romanians on Valentine's Day is RON 488

Business Forum
For many Romanians, February is the perfect month to celebrate their relationship, whether it's Valentine's Day or Dragobete, and many of them allocate a special budget for this moment. According to a study conducted by Raiffeisen Bank in collaboration with Appinio, a global market research company, 55% of Romanians who are in a relationship mark these days, and for 6 out of 10 Romanians the expenses associated with the month of love are not perceived as a financial pressure.

According to the survey, Valentine's Day is the second most important occasion on which Romanians celebrate their relationship (44%), just after the wedding anniversary (46%).

And when it comes to the amount of money allocated to love, men are willing to spend more than women. The average budget for Valentine's Day is RON 488, with men contributing the most. With an average of RON 580 allocated to Valentine's Day, they spend about RON 200 more than their partners. 4 out of 10 Romanians say they will spend less than RON 300 in the month of love, while 8% plan to spend more than RON 1000.

"For most couples, financial balance is an important element of the relationship, and our research shows that Romanians are becoming increasingly aware of the impact money management has on couple harmony. It is gratifying to see that almost 80% of respondents consider it essential to manage their joint budget properly, but challenges persist, especially among young people. The need for financial planning remains high, and access to flexible tools and customized solutions can help couples manage their resources more effectively and avoid money-related tensions," says Mihail Ion, Vice President, Capital Markets, Investment Banking and Personal Financial Planning Division, Raiffeisen Bank Romania.

How Romanians choose to celebrate love

Most Romanians prefer the classic gifts: flowers, jewelry and books (48%), followed by outings to restaurants (46%) and romantic dinners at home (36%).

Interestingly, 10% of Romanians choose to turn the month of love into a getaway, opting for a city break. On this occasion and not only, Raiffeisen Bank customers can enjoy Around the World travel insurance, 100% digital. On the other hand, 22% choose a relaxing weekend in the mountains or at the seaside in Romania, while 18% prefer relaxing activities (spa or retreats).

Romanian couples' relationship with money

The Raiffeisen Bank survey shows that almost half of the respondents (45%) choose to manage their income and expenses jointly, while 40% only share expenses, keeping their income separate, a behavior more common among Generation Z. In rural areas, on the other hand, in 20% of cases one partner covers all expenses. In addition, 42% of respondents admit that money can become a source of argument in the relationship, and 55% would appreciate expert advice on how to optimize their finances as a couple, especially young people aged 18-24.

The Raiffeisen Bank Romania, in collaboration with Appinio, nationally representative CAWI survey was conducted on a sample of 700 respondents in February 2025.


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Business Forum  |  13 March, 2025 at 3:00 PM
Business Forum  |  13 March, 2025 at 1:00 PM