Romania Investment Sentiment Survey: Results published

Business Forum22 October, 2024 at 5:49 AM

Property Forum is excited to announce the results of its second annual investment market sentiment survey focusing on the Romanian market which was conducted ahead of SEE Property Forum 2024. The results, providing an overview of market expectations across sectors, are now available online.

With 210 respondents coming from diverse backgrounds in terms of location and field of expertise, the survey results paint a cautiously optimistic picture for investment and occupier markets in Romania.


The last few years have been characterised by a wait-and-see approach and two-thirds of respondents expect this approach to stay during the next 12 months. A significant portion (25%) of experts, on the other hand, expect to see an uptick in investment activity.


A degree of optimism is also clearly visible from the chart showing responses on the expected change in financing conditions. Nearly all respondents expect lower interest rates for 2025 with the majority anticipating that the banks will keep their strict requirements 


In terms of investors' favourite asset classes, logistics continues to be seen as the most attractive option, seen as such by over 41% of respondents. Residential and hotel are following as attractive alternatives with no one viewing office as the asset class offering the best investment opportunities. 


Moving on to occupier markets, the dominance of logistics is even clearer than in investments with a whooping 58.3% expecting the sector to register the strongest tenant demand among asset classes.


Looking ahead, respondents' biggest concern seems to be higher taxes and a lack of investment activity. Tight financing conditions and low office take-up also seem to be keeping some investors up at night. 


Approaching the end of the survey on a more positive note, 50% expect Romania to be in a better position in 12 months compared to the present day. 


Last but not least, we also asked participants to name the regional city in Romania with the best investment and development opportunities. There is no clear winner here with all options capturing the attention of a similar share of survey respondents. 

investment, Romania, survey, financing, SEE Property Forum, SEE Property Forum 2024,