Delgaz Grid finalizes investment of over RON 56 million in smart metering in Iași

Business Forum
Consumers will benefit from increased quality of service through more efficient energy management facilities, but also by improving the continuity of electricity distribution following the successful completion this month of a large project supported by European funds, which included smart metering and modernization of the network operated by Delgaz Grid in the areas Nicolina, Frumoasa and CUG.

The total value of the investment is about RON 56.3 million, the project being co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program for Large Infrastructure.

During the works, 10,016 smart meters, 203 signal filters, 951 interfaces, data concentrators were installed and the low-voltage network was rehabilitated by replacing about 8,760 linear meters of cable and 1,837 fuses (electrical panels) of various types.

Delgaz Grid currently has about 425,000 SMART meters installed, of which more than 300,000 are integrated in a smart metering system.

In the coming years, about 900,000 more smart meters will be installed on consumers as a result of two ongoing projects financed by the Modernization Fund, for a total amount of about RON 626 million, of which about RON 433 million is non-reimbursable financing.

Thus, taking also into account the meters installed on new consumers, by 2029, about 1.4 million meters will be in operation, which means that about 85% of our customers will benefit from smart metering.

Smart metering offers a number of benefits and facilities, namely:

  • The meter reading is automatically retrieved, there is no need for the customer to submit it or for the meter reader to visit;
  • The bill will reflect the actual consumption, eliminating estimate bills, allowing customers to better manage their consumption and budget;
  • In addition to consumption data, these smart meters also transmit different types of alarms to the central system, where they are analyzed and remote or on-site intervention measures are established, as appropriate;
  • The disconnection and/or reconnection operations of consumers who have smart meters installed and integrated in the system do not entail additional costs for the customer.

We would like to thank the tenants, owners' associations and authorities for their support and understanding during the implementation of this project.

Delgaz Grid, the distribution company of the German E.ON Group, operates a 25.800 km in 20 counties in the northern and western part of Romania (Cluj, Bistrița-Năsăud, Maramureș, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Timiș, Arad, Bihor, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Mureș, Sibiu, Alba, Harghita, Iași, Botoșani, Vaslui, Suceava, Neamț and Bacău) and an electricity network of over 81,500 km in six counties in Moldova: Bacău, Botoșani, Iași, Neamț, Suceava and Vaslui, serving 3.6 million customers. Since entering the local market in 2005, E.ON has invested €2.3 billion, mainly to modernize its natural gas and electricity networks, and has transferred €3.4 billion in taxes and duties to the state.

Business Forum  |  21 February, 2025 at 1:28 PM